One-Hour TESTA

If you're curious to find out everything you need to do TESTA please view the eight videos below. Please ensure you have headphones available or sound enabled (though every video is transcribed if this is not possible).

There are two videos below: one on the TESTA process, which looks at the first element of this, and one covering the Programme Audit.

How does TESTA work?

The Programme Audit

There are two videos below which cover the next two steps in a TESTA audit: the student focus groups and the AEQ.
Assessment Experience Questionnaire
The Focus Groups
There are two videos on this page. This page will cover the case study, programme team meeting and look at five models of programme-level assessment.

Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page to ensure you have viewed all of the elements.

Programme Team Meeting 

Poem - Obituary for Curiosity